Saturday, May 16, 2009

“11 ways to improve your financial self now”, by Carla Fried et al, June 2009 Money Magazine:

I offer the following summary of this useful article.  The authors identify 11 ways to potentially improve your financial position including:

  1. Periodically rebalance your investment portfolio.  Doing so annually, or semi-annually can boost returns substantially.
  2. Stay away from investing in U.S. Treasuries. With rates on U.S. Treasuries so low, consider higher returning alternative (I would recommend caution here it may be getting late for this idea).
  3. Set realistic investment goals.  Consider the impact of lessened returns on your investment, on your home, for the next few years.  What if any changes do you need to consider as a result of such potential changes? 
  4. If you own your home and have mortgage debt, consider refinancing.  Rates remain near record lows.
  5. Work at improving your credit score.  See for useful ideas.
  6. Consider whether any of your monthly services subscribed to could be reduced or negotiated.
  7. Turn off the T.V. particularly shows that make you lust for more things in your life.
  8. Evaluate your current insurance policies and consider ways to reduce risks and lower costs.
  9. Take advantage of a health care coach, if your company provides one. Exercise and weight loss are great ways to lessen stress in our lives.
  10. Consider volunteering as able for your own well-being and for others.
  11. Build up your emergency fund as able to cover 6 to 9-months of living expenses.

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